
Zend Framework, Google APIs, Google Reader issue

I've been playing around with the Zend Framework and the Google API. I'm pretty bummed out that there doesn't seem to be any API for Google Reader. I was hoping to use Zend_GData_Query to suck in my starred and/or shared feeds. You can do this using getFeed() but I wanted to include the tags I've put on the entries. But I don't see my tags anywhere in the data, only the original "category terms" if specified by the feed author.

I even tried to do a login authorization with Google using Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin, but the public and private Google Reader URIs threw a hissy fit on me.

1 comment:

SQLI said...

i've also been looking for a Zend_Gdata google reader API ...
but it seems that there'is nothing ... so i wrote mine, here (in french) http://www.mimiz.fr/zendframework/zend-framework-extension-pour-google-reader/.
Could you tell me what you think about this tutorial ?



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